Please remember to send information about your piece and photo to Communications, Virginia Hernandez at [email protected]. Virginia will also post your work on our Instagram and Facebook. Please don't send her images of your work in our exhibits to post, we want to keep art in the exhibits a surprise. Remember we have many artists and locations. We need you to help us keep this straight.
Videos go to the Video Program Manager, Nathalie Rainier: [email protected]. Deadline for them to be part of the loop is October 14th. Check with us if need be to make certain it's your right location!!! Ship DHL if possible, UPS is also ok. If shipping from Europe, you may know a better option.
If you don't write the address exactly as below it will end in customs! If you value the package high you will have to pay to get it out. We cannot pay for this. State that you are shipping Education Materials (not art because art may end in customs and be shipped back!). Also, we suggest you don't value your package high because it may end up in customs. For all addresses, include mp's phone number +49 (0)15256455668 and personal email address: [email protected]. Don't include the blue part of the address. Thaer-Institute, main exhibition by Naturkundemuseum: c/o Dekanatssekretariat Swantje Hartmann-Rolke Thaer-Institut Invalidenstr. 42, Raum 1006 10115, Berlin Deutschland Science Branch Library: c/o mp Warming Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum Science Branch Library Rudower Chaussee 26 12489 Berlin - Adlershof Deutschland Campus Nord Brach Library: c/o mp Warming Campus Nord Branch Library Hessische Straße 1-2 10115 Berlin Deutschland I'm trying to figure out how this blog works. To artists who recently posted: Please let me know if you get this message. If so, how does it come to your email?
Please see photo captions for wall numbers
Ceilings are 5 meters high. 350 cm from floor to hanging lights Wall 1. Left of door 190 cm long Wall 2. Above catalog 2 meters 30 cm Nook Wall. Only one nook wall is good for art. Pictured nook wall by table- 2 meters 85 cm. Wall 3. Adjacent to nook wall is largest wall 8 meters long Wall 4. Left side of window and adjacent to wall #3- 155 cm. Other side of window adjacent to wall #1- 178 cm Please see photo captions for wall numbers. No you can't use the walkway or spiral stairs.
Wall 1. This wall under the lights is 2 meters 80 cm from floor to ceiling of walkway. Six meter 90 cm long. Wall 2. From door way to window is 170 cm (section where student is sitting). Adjacent all between windows is 160 cm Doorway on left of student is cut out of wall- no door- doorway is 2 meters 40 tall, approx. 3 meters above doorway is good space for art. (reminder- need special ladder) Wall 3. Is adjacent to wall #1, Can use the shelving. Sheves are 3 meters 90 cm long See photo captions for wall numbers.
Ceilings 4 + meters high Wall 1. Three spaces between windows 115 cm each Wall 2. Six meters 70 cm from window to adjacent wall Wall 3. Adjacent to wall #2, six meters 30 cm Wall 4. Not pictured- has two windows. Three spaces for art= adjacent to wall #2 space is 145 cm, in between windows is 136 cm, adjacent to wall #1 is 140 |
talkThis blog is primarily for exhibition development. It provides ongoing information for artists participating in the upcoming Berlin exhibition. But it's also our tool for interaction, a place where we ask questions, get to know each other, and create an amazing, streamlined exhibition by working more efficiently as a collective. archives
January 2019